Hello friends.
As many of you know, my car was broken into. Aside from this being slightly horrifying and a total invasion of my illusion of privacy I learned a lesson more valuable than what was stolen from me. I hadn't backed up my hard drive in about four months. So [dramatic pause] I lost four months of work.
Initially, I was absolutely devastated and on many levels I still am. I lost projects that mean more to me than many of my friendships. Not to mention, during those four months I experienced a great amount of both photographic frustration and artistic growth. A visual progression I will miss being able to see.
But what I've gotten out of this that I didn't expect was little amounts of relief. Of all the times to lose work in my life, it is now. Before I have paying clients. Before I'm off somewhere strange where I am relying on that work to sustain me.
In an attempt to rebuild, this loss has inspired me to shoot ferociously. As I am still applying for internships, I need to have some kind of portfolio. Although, I am lucky enough to have regained some jpegs, which is helpful.
MORAL OF THE STORY. Back up your hard drive. Do it often. Make sure your friends are backing up. Most people already know this, I was just silly enough to keep putting it off. Don't be like me. Back it up.
These are two images out of a take from Monday. The first additions in four months to my old Lightroom catalogue. Thanks so much to Tris & Ben! If you're in the market for a surf board or boat, these are the guys to ask.
Check out Ben's work here!
See my website here