Sunday, November 10, 2013

Vehicles of Motion– 8 Images

Over the weekend I was a part of the 5301 workshop put on at my school where we took lots of PHOTOS.

In addition to doing a ton of shooting, we looked at the work of UTA BARTH and WILLIAM CHRISTENBERRY. At first glance, I did not care for either photographer but, once we learned more about them and studied their images, they grew on me.
Both artists stayed in their own neighborhoods, photographing only what was most familiar to them. As a person who is frustrated by staying in one place and focusing on a single thing, this was totally out of my element. It brought me out of my comfort zone and forced me to see this whole other world of photo opportunity.

There is something about the simplicity and ambiguity of the images taken by Barth that makes each person have their own unique interpretation and feeling of what they're looking at.

On the surface, Barth's work isn't the most beautiful. It doesn't make any sense when in relation to journalism. But truly, documentation in photography doesn't have to make sense and it doesn't have to be beautiful. Barth's photos remind me of Pablo Neruda's poetry (in style, not in subject). She strings together images in a way that makes you feel something. You don't know exactly what it is you're feeling but somewhere a rhythm is formed and an weird blanketed emotion pops up and makes you fall in love with her work.

With this in mind. I went out and tried to shoot with more intention and not so much of the usual chaotic shooting method I am so used to.

HERE is something different (for me):

Also, HERE is a gallery of portraits I took within about a month.!/portfolio/G0000qNqp7wltkcs

Monday, October 28, 2013

An ode to a really cool lady

Diana Markosian spoke at my school sometime in the spring of 2013. At the time, I was still and uncommitted first year student unsure of what I was really doing.  So when she came and spoke with us, I didn't expect to truly be blown away not only by her work but also by her person.

Diana is one of the easiest people to talk to. She'll tell you her story and answer any question you might have for her (and I had a lot of them).

Her photographs look like paintings. Everyone should take a look at her work here

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Burger Record's Beach Goth Party 2013

Some images from the Burger Record's Beach Goth Party 2013. Want more? Look here

Monday, October 14, 2013

Oxnard Police Brutality March

I went to the march against Police Brutality in Oxnard, CA not really knowing what to expect and ended up witnessing some strong community action. The march remained non-violent, even outside of the police station, and many people from all around Southern California came out to support one another.

If you want to see more from this day, email me and I'll send you some. I'll be posting more later.

Click HERE to see all of them

Monday, July 22, 2013

ANSWER LA July 20- Anaheim

Marchers gathered in Anaheim, Calif., on July 20, 2013 to protest Police Brutality in Anaheim. Following the event was a vigil. See preliminary photos here

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Los Angeles Trayvon Martin v. George Zimmerman Photos

Pictures that I took from the protests that were ignited by the outcome of the George Zimmerman trial in the killing of Trayvon Martin in Los Angeles, Calif., can be seen on my website here:

Monday, June 24, 2013

"Isolation is the Gift" Bukowski

     Coming from a state with the second smallest population in the Union, California doesn't lend itself to isolation as easily as Vermont does. Arguments can be made that in its own way, California often embodies social, racial and economic isolation, but it is hard to physically be alone here. Even when one drives for several hours some population or industry can still be found. This is quite different from places like Montana or Utah where a few hours drive leaves you to yourself in some vast isolation.
     No matter what stage in life one is in, it is imperative for individuals to learn how to be alone. Not in the sense that you sit in your room, house or apartment alone, but truly and completely be the only person for miles.
     I think of the times that I spend on long drives or solo camping trips into the wilderness. Although there are moments when having one or more companions on these trips is desirable, there is something to be said for the need to rely on yourself and yourself alone. It is going through this challenge that gives one the feeling of greatest success when the return to civilization is made.
     Isolation can be frightening. I often find that during my 15 hour drives or three day solo camping trips I will begin to imagine every possibility where something could go wrong. When it's night time and your miles away from any known person and all of a sudden you hear a pack of coyotes not half a mile away, your imagination tends to begin to run wild and then all of a sudden you question why you keep choosing to go alone. The benefit comes when you wake up the next morning and realize that you're fine and that there was nothing to be afraid of in the first place because coyotes are more afraid of humans than we are of them. 
    These journeys involving physical isolation often teach lessons on self reliance that are necessary if one wishes to be successful. The necessities of pre-planning and providing for oneself motivate individuals to be patient and adapt to many different situations.
     Find time to be alone. Discover it. Celebrate it. Learn from it.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Spits

I had the opportunity to go to Burgerama 2013 in Santa Ana and shot the Spits along with several other bands which you can checkout here. Helluva time with some fantastic individuals

Jamming with Sam Tello

I had a final for my DOC class and every plan I had fell through... but, I ended up in a group that wanted to do a video on this kid who break dances, Sam Tello. Sam's story is particularly interesting because he is a young man working three jobs and going to school full time so he can support his family. Sam's sister has special needs and lives in a home which is very costly for his family. The only real break Sam gets is with his dancing. I was the editor and one of the camera operators. I also ended up creating the story structure in post production

Check it: